Play it on: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch, Windows (Steam Deck OK)
Buy it from: Amazon | Humble Bundle
Current goal: Stand on more pseudo-cars and stomp zombie heads to maintain a higher Power Level than my pal
2014’s Dying Light found its way into my Steam library…at some point. I never thought I was gonna play it, to be honest. And no shade to Dying Light or Techland. But like, ugh, another open world game? And I typically like my zombies/infected/undead/Republicans/whatever in something more akin to Resident Evil, The Last of Us, etc. Dying Light looked too fast and what I saw of the weapons and such one would acquire later on were. Um. Silly? Goofy? At a minimum, they weren’t my cup of tea.
But then my bestie wanted to run this game with me in co-op and, though my tactics and habit of saying “oh, watch out!” mere seconds before I throw three or four molotov cocktails in a row at a horde have certainly been a trial for her, it has been a good time! In fact, as I navigate this very complicated, reflective, instructional, and essential part of my life, Dying Light is asking me to think about how I communicate with others and how I could do better. I do need to think and speak before acting. I do need to plan ahead more carefully. I need to realize where I’m throwing Molotovs and acting downright recklessly in a way that can and does harm people? Literally (in the game) and metaphorically (IRL). Especially around those I cherish most. I have to be better. Shouldn’t I have learned that by now?
Jeez. This is a fucking zombie game and I’m doing that thing where I just project my emotions into my hobbies. So. Uh. Game stuff! I am resisting those silly weapons (a baseball bat that electrocutes zombies? wtf?). Instead, I’m running around with just a bow. I love bows and crossbows in games. They require me to lead my shots, are a test of timing and accuracy, and with how fast things can get in Dying Light, nailing back-to-back headshots that drop enemies is very satisfying. Though I could use a fancier bow. That’d be cool, game. Can you give me a new bow? — Claire Jackson
And that wraps our picks for this weekend. Happy gaming!