On September 10, Sony officially unveiled the PlayStation 5 Pro. The console is planned to be the company’s most powerful PlayStation and will provide players with higher frame rates and better-looking visuals in PS5 and PS4 games.
Perhaps you are excited to own a PS5 Pro and want to lockdown a pre-order to make sure you get one when the console launches on November 7. Well, here’s how to do that.
Can I pre-order the PS5 Pro Now?
No. Let’s get this out of the way right at the top. You can’t currently pre-order a PS5 Pro from any store. If you see any ads claiming you can, avoid them as they are almost certainly scams.
Keep in mind we will update this post with new information, links, and updates to help you pre-order a PS5 Pro.
Okay, when can I pre-order the PS5 Pro?
Sony says you’ll be able to pre-order the PS5 Pro on September 26.
While some expected Sony to offer pre-orders as soon as it ended its small showcase on Tuesday, that wasn’t the case.
How much is the PS5 Pro?
Take a moment to sit down. Okay. Are you good? The PS5 Pro will cost $700 in the United States. It also doesn’t come with a disc drive. You’ll need to buy one of those separately and attach it later. Those drives cost $80.
Where will I be able to pre-order a PS5 Pro?
At the moment, we only officially know that Sony will be selling them directly via their own website. That website URL is Direct.PlayStation.com. As of September 10, there isn’t a PS5 Pro pre-order page live on the site, but it might go up before September 26. (Though you won’t be able to pre-order it then.)
As for other places to get a PS5 Pro, we officially don’t know, but we can make some guesses. I’d suspect Target, Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy will all have PS5 Pro pre-order pages available closer to the end of the month.