Metro Awakening is a spin-off prequel to the first game in the series, Metro 2033. Unlike the main games, players no longer control beloved protagonist Artyom, and instead take on the role of a doctor named Sedar, who is on a mission through the Moscow tunnels to find his wife—even if it leads him to darker and more mystical places than he could’ve ever expected.
Don’t worry, though: Everything you’ve loved about the mainline games is largely here (albeit in VR form), including all of the tense and claustrophobic thrills of exploring the dark and dreary underground subways humans call home in the Metro universe. And yes, you still have to survive with limited ammo, engage in stealth, and wear gas masks to avoid radiation if you want to reach the end of your journey. In other words, if you’re a fan of the previous entries in the franchise, rest assured that Metro Awakening hasn’t strayed far from the path.