Well, here’s something I wasn’t expecting to see: Valve has finally revealed what Team Fortress 2‘s Spy looks like under his mask. And it turns out he looks pretty dang handsome!
Valve’s still-popular class-based team shooter launched back in 2007, which feels like three lifetimes ago at this point. Since then, Valve has slowly built up a ton of lore and history for the characters seen in-game, including the entirety of the Red team’s mercs, like Doctor and Heavy. A lot of this storytelling has happened in sporadically released comics since 2009 . For example, Heavy has a sister and she eventually falls in love with Soldier! Anyway suddenly, nearly seven years after issue six, Valve has published the seventh installment in the main TF2 comic series and finally revealed Spy’s face.
And uh, yeah, minor spoilers below for issue seven. Take this as your last warning.
After 17 years of playing Team Fortress 2, it’s very odd to finally be looking at Spy without his mask on. But that’s what you see below.

The man in the suit is Spy, sitting on a couch after handing his mask to his young daughter. (Yes, Spy has a daughter and Soldier got married. A lot has happened in the comics!)
Beyond the reveal of Spy’s face, which is a massive moment for TF2 fans, this seventh issue also feels like a farewell from Valve. A lot of plot lines are tied up in this issue in a way that’s satisfying, if a bit rushed.
Still, I’m happy to see Valve finally tying up the TF2 comic and its story. Will we get more TF2 comics in the future? Maybe, but as for the main overarching plot of the franchise (yes, it eventually developed one), it seems done. And that’s nice. Maybe now, with this wrapped, Valve can bring closure to another franchise and its plotlines, too. I’m talking about Half-Life 3. I want to play Half-Life 3. Please.
You can read the whole comic for free by clicking this link. But first, I’d suggest reading the issues that came before it.