Fans of The Sims have their hopes up that the original two games will finally be remastered for modern platforms after Electronic Arts cryptically teased them in a new 25th anniversary promo video. Kotaku understands that The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 will both be re-released on PC before the end of the month.
The teaser is part of Maxis Games’ and EA’s Sims 25th anniversary roadmap teasing updates to The Sims 4 and other surprises from now through early February. The first of these surprises today showed a Sims 1 character and an interaction prompt wheel from The Sims 2. The games were previously teased via sound effects in a “Behind the Sims” presentation earlier in the month, and when official merchandise also started making the rounds.
According to a source familiar with the plans, both games will be released digitally on PC later this week. They’re expected to arrive with all of their original expansion packs included, but it remains unclear if the legacy games will also make it to consoles at some point.
The Sims released back in 2000 and it’s been all but impossible to play the Will Wright-designed game about managing the daily lives of semi-autonomous virtual avatars for years. The first Sims was a disc-only release, and The Sims 2 was taken offline over a decade ago, with new digital copies only available to pre-existing owners briefly via an Ultimate Collection on Origin that was removed in 2014.
That’s around the time The Sims 4 was released. It’s still going strong nearly 11 years later as EA opts to keep updating the game with new content rather than release The Sims 5. But one thing you can’t do as easily in the current entry is kill Sims by trapping them in pools and taking the ladder away. That was a favorite pastime of OG fans, and the long-memed feature seems likely to return in the remasters. Sims players will no doubt riot if it doesn’t.