While he is a little late to Marvel Rivals, the namesake of Marvel’s first family has joined the multiplayer hero shooter. Despite taking on the role of a Duelist, Rivals’ version of DPS, the character also contains elements of the Vanguard Class, making him an elastic and versatile choice.
What are Mr. Fantastic’s abilities?
Mr. Fantastic uses his abilities to offer a little more range than other melee-focused Duelists. His primary fire is Stretch Punch, which as the name implies, has him extend his arm to smack opponents. As an added bonus, once the arm extends, if you quickly aim at a different enemy, the move will damage them as well.

He also has three other abilities plus his ultimate. Flexible Elongation is one of the most useful as it propels you towards an enemy while granting a shield. As an added bonus, this ability can be used twice. Another offensive move is Distended Grip. This will have Mr. Fantastic shoot out and grab an opponent to either bring them in or send them careening into another foe. Mr. Fantastic also has a defensive skill titled Reflexive Rubber. This ability absorbs all incoming damage and then re-directs it. His ultimate, Braniac Bounce, has him leap up in the air and slam downwards causing damage to any enemy in the radius. If it hits, he will shoot back up to repeat until he misses.
Finally, he has a passive ability, Elastic Strength. Using one of his other abilities will increase his elasticity, which lets him deal more damage capping out at 100.
How should you play Mr. Fantastic?
The best Mr. Fantastic players are able to capitalize on the heroes’ Tanking capabilities. To do this, your primary goal is to use his different abilities to fill up his Elasticity Gauge. Once activated, this grants numerous buffs including 450 bonus health, an increase to attack damage and range, and faster movement speed. In this state, the character is able to jump right in the fray, drawing aggro from his teammates. Once his elasticity is completely used up, use Reflexive Rubber to protect yourself while moving away from the crowd.
How to fill up the Elasticity Gauge
Using Flexible Elongation generates 30 elasticity. Since Mr. Fantastic can use this ability twice, that already puts him at a 60. From here, you can try to use his normal attack or Distended Grip to hit 100. Flexible Elongation has a fairly fast cooldown, so you should be able to use two more times before Mr. Fantastic’s Elasticity dissipates.
When playing Mr. Fantastic, your goal should be to cycle through your abilities at a safe distance to fill up his Elasticity Gauge. Once Full Elasticity is reached, try to tank and cause disruption for the enemy team before using Reflexive Rubber to safely retreat. If you follow these tips, you can see how far Mr. Fantastic can go.