3D beat-em-ups haven’t fallen completely out of style, and Big Helmet Heroes is here to prove it. This Castle Crashers-esque title is overflowing with charm, humor, and well-crafted hack ‘n slash gameplay. It’s a killer time at a pretty reasonable price, so you may want to know just how much bang for your buck you get for $20. Here’s how long it takes to complete Big Helmet Heroes.
How long does it take to beat Big Helmet Heroes?
The linear campaign of Big Helmet Heroes doesn’t take too long to complete on its normal difficulty. If you just want to reach the credits at the end of the adventure, you can anticipate spending around 6-8 hours getting there.
However, just beating the game’s campaign isn’t enough to earn all of the trophies or achievements available. In fact, you’ll need to do a handful of specific things to fully complete Big Helmet Heroes.
For starters, you’ll need to beat the game on its hardest difficulty (though it’s worth noting that it’s still a pretty breezy experience). You’ll also need to beat a non-tutorial level without taking any damage, and complete at least one non-tutorial level with a co-op partner (local only). Other requirements include unlocking all of the heroes, petting over 50 sheep, collecting nearly 2,000 flowers, defeating tons of enemies in multiple unique ways, and doing a variety of other quirky things.
Luckily, doing all of this shouldn’t run up your playtime to an extreme, as much of it is easily handled while playing through the game normally if you’re paying attention. So, if you decide to go for full completion, expect your overall time in the game to end up around 10 hours. Of course, your mileage may vary if you approach exploration at a more leisurely pace, or if you opt to beat the game on Easy before doing a Hard run.
Big Helmet Heroes is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Since it offers local co-op, it’s a great game to play with a kid or significant other, so get out there and kick some ass together.