The one Call of Duty game released on the PlayStation Vita in 2012 apparently still has an active player base in 2025. So if you’ve been desperately wanting to play Nukehouse again, go find your Vita and Black Ops Declassified and hop online.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified was released back in 2012 on Sony’s portable PlayStation Vita console. It wasn’t a huge hit compared to other CoD games, not least because the Vita itself wasn’t a big seller. But despite the Vita being a portable console from over a decade ago and Black Ops: Declassified being a oddball spin-off from 2012, there are still enough people playing the FPS in 2025 that you can reportedly boot up a Vita right now and find a match in seconds.
On January 4, PlayStation content creator Radec posted on Twitter that they were able to boot up a PS Vita and find matches “instantly” in Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified. The tweet went viral, likely because a lot of people were surprised to hear that Declassified was still popular and being played in 2025. And I bet some people were just shocked to hear about a PS Vita Call of Duty even existing.
Radec isn’t the only person reporting this. In the replies to the tweet you can find other players sharing stories of how they just recently booted up the game on their own PS Vita and also found matches quickly. Another player shared how they found matches quickly in Declassified in November, saying it only took about 20 seconds to find a full lobby.
“Legit. Like last month I connected my Vita to my mobile hotspot and checked Black Ops Declassified multiplayer and there were almost full lobbies with all kinds of players,” said another user in response to Radec’s tweet. “The best part about the whole experience was there were no hackers. Just people who wanna unwind and play.”
Declassified isn’t the only old CoD game still being played in 2025. You can still boot up most Call of Duty games released on PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PS4 and find players instantly. Some people just don’t want to move on. Be warned though, as someone who has done this, the people still playing these older Call of Duty games are veterans who know the maps and weapons incredibly well and you’ll likely get stomped over and over.