Author: CryptooTimes
Durov has spoken out following his recent indictment, defending the platform’s moderation efforts and criticizing authorities for targeting him personally over users’ illegal activities. Nearly a week after the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was indicted in France, he released a statement addressing his recent legal troubles in the country. In his statement, Durov expressed surprise at his charges, emphasizing that Telegram has an official EU representative handling law enforcement requests. He criticized the authorities for bypassing established communication channels and questioning him personally. He argued that pre-smartphone laws to charge a CEO with crimes committed by othes on the…
Every month, millions of people around the world take for granted the fact that they are probably members of Amazon Prime. A Prime subscription nets you a lot, including a streaming service and free shipping on online orders, but it also offers new free games every month through Prime Gaming. Sometimes, these offerings are a snooze, but this September, Amazon is throwing a lot at players, and the biggest draws are multiple Lord of the Rings games as well as most of the Borderlands series.Why This Under-the-Radar AAA Title Is More Than Just A Far Cry CloneAmazon will be rolling…
The research focused on securing the machines against physical and cyber-attack while maintaining their decentralized learning capabilities.
The icons from the banner (left) and the rumored PS5 Pro design.Image: Sony / KotakuSony is beginning to ramp up celebrations for the upcoming 30th anniversary of the PlayStation brand. And new images posted by the company seem to include an icon of a console that looks a lot like the alleged leaked PS5 Pro design. Hmmm… The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023The original PlayStation console launched in Japan in December 1994, so technically the 30th anniversary isn’t for a few more months. But Sony isn’t waiting until December to start celebrating its big 3-O birthday. On September…
Protocol Village: Livepeer Powered Burning Man Webcast, Euler Returns After $200M+ Exploit
Protocol Village: Livepeer Powered Burning Man Webcast, Euler Returns After $200M+ Exploit
Like the Alien franchise, the Terminator series has been stuck in a rut since its early days, with its subsequent projects failing to recapture the greatness of its first two films. While Netflix’s original anime spin-off, Terminator Zero, doesn’t entirely shake the uncanny sameness of its predecessors, it boldly returns to the series long-lost core theme: “No fate but what we make.”Netflix’s One Piece Live-Action Trailer Has A Treasure Trove Of Anime Easter EggsAt first, it seems like Terminator Zero, written by The Batman co-writer Mattson Tomill and animated by Ghost in the Shell studio Production I.G., retreads the same…
The odds of Donald Trump winning the November election and nominating Elon Musk to his cabinet have surged on Polymarket. A Polymarket poll with over $803 million in assets, shows Donald Trump with a 53% chance of winning, compared to Harris’ 46%. Harris had been leading Trump for a time in August as enthusiasm for her campaign increased. Another Polymarket poll, with $77,000 in assets, predicted Trump would win and nominate Elon Musk to his cabinet. These odds rose to 18% on Sep. 5, up from 12% a day earlier. The poll will be deemed accurate if Trump wins and…
When Arcane season two drops this November, it’ll mark the finale to the amazing Netflix series based on League of Legends. But until we all have to be sad about the show ending, we can be excited about Netflix releasing a new trailer for the second and last season. Spoiler alert, everybody seems like they are having a bad time, but at least audiences will be able to enjoy it.The Week In Games: Station Wagon Survival And A Cozy League SpinoffThe new trailer for Arcane’s final season is a lengthy two-and-a-half minutes of adrenaline-pumping action that teases what’s to come…
I started working on Ethereum in 2014. The subsequent 10 years in blockchain have been strange — disappointing in some ways but amazing in others.
The latest attempt at rebooting Universal’s classic Wolf Man series is nearly here and we’ve finally gotten our first look at what the werewolf will look like in the movie. And uh, well, it’s not great. But there’s a chance it’s not quite the final product. Grab Your Boomstick: Evil Dead And Fortnite Together Is A Groovy TimeIn case you missed it, Universal’s long-in-development (second) Wolf Man reboot finally picked up some steam last year, along with a release date. However, that initial October 2024 date shifted to January 2025. And if you didn’t know, movies that studios aren’t confident…