Browsing: Pavel Durov
Durov said that he “trusts the French justice” system but refused to elaborate on the legal proceedings.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest has sparked widespread condemnation of the French government for promoting censorship policies.
Tether’s stablecoin continues to dominate rivals, including Circe’s U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC).
Telegram altered the wording of its answer to an FAQ on moderating illicit content saying it’s unable to process requests…
South Korea has joined the growing list of global jurisdictions, launching a probe against Telegram over illicit content dissemination.
The messaging app had about four million premium users at the end of 2023.
On Wednesday local time, Durov was indicted in a French court on charges related to enabling illicit transactions and child…
The Important Stories investigation seemingly contradicts Durov’s public claims.
French authorities have come under fire from free speech activists and the crypto community after arresting Telegram founder Pavel Durov.
Prosecutors announced that the arrest was part of an investigation into an unnamed individual over cryptology services and complicity with…